Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign is clear and nearly invisible. The clear plastic aligners are custom-made to shift your teeth gently and discreetly, making them less conspicuous than metal braces. Your orthodontist will monitor your progress every four to six weeks. You’ll wear the aligners for about 22 hours a day, and you’ll remove them for meals, tooth brushing, flossing, and special occasions.
Your orthodontist will evaluate your smile and listen to your concerns and goals to help determine if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign treatment. They’ll also assess if you need other pretreatment procedures such as dental x-rays or a cleaning. Once your smile is ready for Invisalign, your doctor will create a customized treatment plan.
Invisalign Near Me: How to Find the Best Provider
Invisalign near me can treat mild to moderate crowding more inconspicuously than braces, and it’s safe for adolescents and adults of all ages. However, the treatment isn’t right for everyone. Those who aren’t committed to wearing the aligners for 20 to 22 hours each day and switching them out for fresh ones at least twice a day won’t get the best results. Those with untreated gum disease may not be suitable candidates, either.
Most dental insurance plans don’t cover Invisalign and even those that do usually only pay for a small percentage of the overall cost. Your doctor may offer flexible monthly payment plans and other systems to make it easier to pay for your Invisalign treatment. You can also use FSA and HSA funds to cover the costs.